Category Archives: by Jenny

Advise for young Gulls falling out of nest
There is a really good piece of advise from East Sussex Wildlife Rescue and Ambulance service about what to do if youView full post »

Urgent! Help needed for Wildlife Centre
I had this email and am sharing with you all as they really need help. “I am getting in touch with you today,View full post »

In defence of Gulls | Victoria Derbyshire BBC2 Morning Show
I was very honoured to be asked to take part in speaking up for Gulls this morning on the BBC2 morning programme,View full post »

Meet the Gull friend | Brighton
Here is an article about someone who has befriended a Herring Gull as a friend in Brighton and the gull is apparentlyView full post »

Fulmars in Mousehole
Went for a walk along the cliffs at Mousehole this morning and saw Fulmars flying and swooping. Amazing! I mistakenlyView full post »

Seagull Summit | Sidmouth
I went to the Seagull Summit with some trepidation but was pleasantly surprised at how East Devon District Council wereView full post »

Seagull Summit | Sidmouth
Well, I’m off to a Seagull summit in Sidmouth tomorrow. I am trying to gather info on gulls to counter anyView full post »

An exciting development on this project… I came across the term Biophilia after watching a video of Bjork’sView full post »