Kumlien’s Gull in Mousehole. Picture and post by Paul Semmens
Here in west Cornwall we are experiencing Atlantic storm after storm but for the local gull watchers, these are exciting times. As the sea churns up the beaches and the seaweed large flocks of gulls are feeding in the surf and are attracting other more unusual visitors. So far we have seen several Glaucous Gulls from the high arctic. These are huge pale birds that really do catch your eye as they fly past. Even our Great Black-backs will give way to them in a face off. Normally we see Glaucous Gulls in Newlyn harbour as they follow the fishing fleet back to port but at the moment the fleet is staying in port. I don’t blame them as there’s thirty or forty swell out there off Land’s End. Some Iceland Gulls have also been seen recently but the highlight was a stunning adult Kumlien’s Gull that has arrived from the Canadian arctic. With continuing storms there may be more to see in the coming weeks.

pic by Paul Semmens
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